
Showing posts from August, 2012

Kind, Loving Heart for a Kind Loving Nation:)

Thought of the Day on FB: We need to 'chill' in life! Not everything needs to be taken so 'seriously'!! If it wasn't for imagination and fantasy, movies wouldnt've been produced...poems wouldn't have been written...and the cinema wouldnt've existed!!... Imagine a world without movies!! ...Most, I like best the fairy tales we get told when young. Somehow they still keep their impact even in adulthood...what an impossible dream!!...If only Shakespeare was alive, I wonder what tales he would be imagining!!... I guess I should 'wake up' lest (god forbids) my dream turns into a coma:( FB response following on  Walid Shukri  joined a cause on  Causes . Link on:

Thoughts of the Day:)

Final thought of the day on FB: Going through 'News Feed' along with so many interesting links, educational sites and inspiring words, it's deeply disappointing to see along the same lines how much 'nonsense' to say the least are also filtered in!! I feel sorry for all the mixed up people out there. I hope the more positive and constructive outlook will win them over at the end! Cheer up, Life is Good, even I have to say that from time to time:) ------------------------ I'm sorry but children will make similar mistakes like their parents before them and will fall and be disenchanted like the rest of us. Then, like every generation before them, will recoup again and move on with their lives into hopefully building better ones. The difference is, if we live long enough, will definitely see all this unfolding in the trajectory of our children's path. They on the other hand would have missed ours completely, and might only share a glimpse of it, if they hap

A World I Love:)

Poems of Truth...why shouldn't it be told? A conquering civilisation cannot flourish through the oppression of another; for the seeds of aggression will turn bloom into ashes, and the grains grown from such shameful deeds will engulf the aggressors into suffocation. No good will ever come from such actions. The sad part are those who gave their lives in the name of a country and honoured in the name of valour and bravery. For those looking for the Truth, one must go back in time, decades and centuries, and read the thoughts, facts and figures of not just the Conquerors, but also of those oppressed into submission. Still, we can never tell, who's right and who's wrong...even thoughts, facts and figures can be wronged...However, what determines a probability to a certainty are repeated actions and intentions...These are the same drivers from long past history into current motivators: The outcome is the same. I just wonder...has it been beneficial?...I wonder, des